Scope of application:
Disposable Medical Plastic Luer Lock Syringe With Needle is suitable for pumping liquid or injection liquid. This product is only
suitable for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection and intravenous blood tests, used by medical personnel, prohibited for other
purposes and non-medical personnel.
Tear the single bag of the syringe, remove the syringe with needle, remove the syringe needle protection sleeve, pull the plunger
back and forth slide, tighten the injection needle, and then into the liquid, needle up, slowly push the plunger to exclude air,
subcutaneous or Intramuscular injection or blood.
Storage condition:
Disposable Medical Plastic Luer Lock Syringe With Needle should store in the relative humidity not to surpass 80%,
non-corrosiveness gas, cool, ventilate good, in dryly the clean room. Product sterilized by Epoxy hexylene, asepsis,non-pyrogen
without unusual toxicity and hemolysis response.